Edgardo Lopez Biography
Since I was a young boy I had always been fascinated by photography. I really enjoyed looking through old photographs with my mother and my aunts of other family members and my grandparents when they were kids. I was amazed by the changes time had made on their lives and physical appearances. Although I knew nothing about photography it became important to me to think about how I would like to preserve memories of my own some day. It is most gratifying to share photos you’ve taken and watch people’s expressions and smiles light up the room when they either see themselves in the photo or a smile on someone else’s photo.
My 1st semi-pro camera was a NIKON Coolpix with 5 megapixel, which was great back then. Overtime I became more and more interested in shooting in manual mode, so I purchase videos and began to learn a little at a time how to get the most out of my camera.
In HS I had become a father at a the early age of 17 and as a result had to quit school to support my new family, never the less I promised myself that some day I would return to school and finish my education which led me to college in 2009. I decided to go back to school part time, as I had to maintain a full time job simultaneously. I began to pursue a BA in mechanical engineering, after my 1st year I decided to change my major to Business Administration, which I took 2 years of. As an elective class I decided to take a class in the history of photography, which instantly created some new interest and new motivation for me, that’s when the light bulb in my head came on and I knew that this was what I wanted to pursue. I decided to once again change my major to Media Arts and Design with my main focus on photography, I started from the bottom and learned all facets of photography and most importantly I found that I have a genuine passion for it and it all shows in my work. I love all aspects of it. I enjoy working with people in a studio setting or outdoors anywhere we can find or create the light needed for that special shot. I enjoy shooting everything I can and I am always looking for that one shot that is very different and not shot or seen very much before. Although time is money I take pride in all my work and as a result efficiency to me means calculating every shot by not rushing the process and making it fun for the customer as well as for myself. There’s always room for improvement, which is my goal to improve with every project I take on. I am always ready and willing to take on any challenges presented to me.